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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

There won't be a Huawei Mate 50 series this year, rumor has it - news -

At this point in the year, Huawei's P50 flagship device family should've already been announced, but the company's very well documented woes stemming from the various bans against it issued by the US government have taken a toll on that launch, which is why it's rumored to have been delayed.

It should still happen at some point this year, and that's much more than could be said for the presumptive Mate 50 family. Every year in the second half, Huawei has unveiled the new Mate flagships, complementing the P-series in its roster. But in 2021, that won't happen, according to a new report out of China.

Huawei Mate 40 ProHuawei Mate 40 Pro

Huawei is forced to skip the Mate 50 series, so that it can focus all of its limited resources on the P50 family. This has never happened before since the first Mate went official in 2013, but is understandable considering the pressure Huawei finds itself under, with a heavily crippled supply chain because of all the bans.

Nevertheless, it's a sad thing to happen, especially since over the past few years, the Mate flagships have always been outstanding devices. It's not just Huawei losing because of all the bans, it's the mobile world as a whole, and consumers especially, since we will have one less choice for great devices.

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The Link Lonk

June 17, 2021 at 08:48AM

There won't be a Huawei Mate 50 series this year, rumor has it - news -

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