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Monday, June 21, 2021

5th Circ. Tosses Huawei's Challenge Over FCC Subsidy Ban - Law360
Law360 (June 21, 2021, 4:35 PM EDT) -- The Fifth Circuit has dismissed Huawei Technologies Co.'s bid to block a Federal Communications Commission order prohibiting federal subsidies to U.S. telecom companies that buy equipment from the Chinese technology giant and others, ruling that the FCC appropriately determined it poses a threat to U.S. communications networks.

A three-judge panel on Friday unanimously tossed Huawei's petition to review the FCC's November 2019 decision preventing Chinese tech companies considered a security threat from benefiting from the agency's Universal Service Fund — a multibillion-dollar subsidy fund used to improve access to and affordability of modern telecom services across rural and other hard-to-reach areas....

The Link Lonk

June 22, 2021 at 03:35AM

5th Circ. Tosses Huawei's Challenge Over FCC Subsidy Ban - Law360

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