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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Ericsson agrees Samsung licensing deal; US covid IP waiver concerns; Huawei's huge royalty income revealed; UK's IP woes; LG smartphone portfolio gold; plus much more - IAM

The Long Read

Justice Manmohan Singh was the chair of India’s recently abolished Intellectual Property Appellate Board and before that sat on the bench of the Delhi High Court where he presided over a series of landmark patent cases. In an exclusive interview, he talks about his shock at the decision to do away with the board but argues that rights holders should not lose hope for the future. Read more here

MONDAY 3rd May

Royalty figures released by Huawei, which has not previously reported quarterly licensing revenues, suggest it earned more from patents than either Nokia or Ericsson in the first three months of 2021. Read more here

The UK has a world class IP system, but not enough British companies are using it. In a post-Brexit, post-pandemic world, that spells trouble. Read more here

The annual USTR Special 301 Report identifies growing alarm around the issuance of anti-suit injunctions by Chinese courts. Read more here


Under proposed compulsory licensing legislation just approved by the Brazilian Senate, pharma innovators may be forced to give up their trade secrets and data or lose their patent rights. Read more here

The Open Invention Network has announced that Shopify is now a member, so adding another big tech name to its roster. Read more here


NPE created by Dublin-based Atlantic IP Services takes aim at Samsung devices using wireless charging patents it bought from LG Innotek in February. Read more here

Founded to help lower patent risk for companies in the increasingly dynamic video space, VideoLabs is facing up to some of the stark realities of IP monetisation. Read more here


Across-the-board declines in Australian applications come as latest revisions to the country’s patent laws take effect. Read more here

The US decision to back a covid IP waiver suggests a shift in approach to pharma rights and raises tough questions about how a suspension will help scale-up production efforts. Read more here

Announcing its results for the first quarter, Xperi reported strong growth in its media licensing arm but a drop in the repositioned chip IP business. Read more here

FRIDAY 7th May

Ericsson locks down multi-year patent licensing agreement with Samsung as renegotiations with Apple and Huawei loom. Read more here

A deep dive into LG’s smartphone patent holdings shows that they are likely to be of significant interest to potential buyers. Read more here

The Delhi High Court has confirmed an interim anti anti-suit injunction against Xiaomi awarded to InterDigital late last year. Read more here


The Biden Administration’s decision to support the waiver of covid vaccine IP rights raises powerful concerns that go way beyond the biopharma sector. Read more here

The Link Lonk

May 09, 2021 at 05:17PM

Ericsson agrees Samsung licensing deal; US covid IP waiver concerns; Huawei's huge royalty income revealed; UK's IP woes; LG smartphone portfolio gold; plus much more - IAM

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