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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Huawei's HarmonyOS 2.0 beta is based on Android's framework - news -

Huawei released the HarmonyOS 2.0 beta version of the software for select devices earlier this month and one developer decided to dig a little deeper to see what Huawei's new OS is all about. And as it turns out, it's still pretty much Android-y.

Huawei's HarmonyOS 2.0 beta is based on Android's framework

First, he made a simple "Hello world" app for the much older Android 4.4 KitKat environment and this triggered a very similar message on a virtual machine running a recent version of Android (left) and a virtual machine running HarmonyOS 2.0 beta (right). This seems to be a reoccurring theme with other things, but instead of "Android", the messages say "HarmonyOS".

The developer also managed to open up the system partition, which only confirmed his theory - HarmonyOS is based on Android's framework. At least for now, it is.

According to Huawei's own presentation, the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) will serve as a stepping stone to what HarmonyOS is trying to achieve. Meaning, current beta 2.0 version might be based on Android, but in the future, it would most likely transition to its own framework.

Via | Source (in Chinese)

The Link Lonk

December 26, 2020 at 07:00PM

Huawei's HarmonyOS 2.0 beta is based on Android's framework - news -

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