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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Huawei continues to maintain its leadership position globally - Livemint

Today, the company has over 14% global market share and stands second in the world. Yet, the ambition to become an unmatched technological giant has only become stronger. At the same time, it has infused superlative technological experience in consumer lives and it has done it the following ten ways.

Superlative mobile phones: Most known for its superlative mobile handsets, Huawei has been offering premium smartphones for each consumer segment. Huawei mobile phones have actually democratized technology and has made feature packed powerful devices accessible to masses. With its technological advancements, its products such as the Huawei P and Mate series have consistently remained cutting edge and many of their features have set benchmarks for the industry to follow.

Huawei P40 series and Mate X are latest of its successful offerings. Broad range of consumer products: Huawei product range has been a delight for consumers. Powered by advance technologies, the company has launched highly successful laptops, tablets, wearables, audio devices, and other accessories.

Its latest launches which are ruling the worldwide markets include MateBook X Pro and MatePad Pro5G in laptops, FreeBuds3, Huawei WatchGT2e, and a host of mobile and tablet accessories. High-end products and services: Huawei is not only limited to mobile phones.

It has a wide offering of connected technologies. In fact, Huawei happens to be the largest manufacturer of telecommunication equipment. Its offerings span across building telecom network services, providing technological ecosystem to Governments and organisations, and a wide range of connectivity devices such as modems, routers, wireless terminals, gateways, and so on. Strategic partnerships: Huawei’s technological edge arises from its strategic partnerships with some of the best brands in the world.

The company has partnered with Leica and Harman Kardon for its users to experience superlative camera and audio features. Furthermore, Huawei has time and again partnered with major brands to provide unmatched design to its devices. For instance, Huawei Mate 30 RS features an exhilarating Porche design. With its recent partnership with TomTom, Huawei is venturing into its own navigation system.

Through strategic partnerships, Huawei creates an ecosystem of the best offerings and succeeds in delivering the best of the technology experience to the end user. Research and development: At the core of Huawei’s technological success lies research and development.

The company invests around $20 billion annually in over 21 Huawei R&D centres all over the world. Almost half of Huawei’s workforce, around 80,000 people, are working at developing groundbreaking technologies. As a result, there’s research and scientific bases into everything UAH Huawei makes, from colour of handsets to AI powered applications.

Technology innovation: Huawei has a strong intent and self-belief that it can deliver almost anything. Its non-reliance on other manufacturers for its chipsets, user interface, and so on has helped in creating its own products and provide customers high-end technology at lower costs. For instance, Huawei has invested heavily to bring about HiSilicon and Kirin chipset, which are cutting edge and provides a great experience. In fact Kirin happens to be World’s first 5G integrated chipset.

Also, Huawei’s own EMUI is AI powered, and has a host of features including MeeTime and multi-screen collaboration. High adoption of new age tech: Huawei has shown high adaption and adoption to new age technologies. The company’s R&D processes are strongly integrated into manufacturing, marketing and sales processes, keeping it ahead of its competitors.

Huawei controls 29% world telecom market as per a report by the Dell’Oro Group. Also, it has aggressively forayed into new age digital technologies and armed itself with AI, Big Data, and 5G capabilities.

Today, Huawei boasts of network security, WLAN, Cloud technology, data centre, IoT solutions and a host of high-tech solutions for people and industries. Customer centricity: Huawei has built customer centricity deep into its organisational fabric.

It is the understanding of consumer needs that has driven Huawei to deliver relevant innovations that has been appreciated by critics and people alike. Its post sales services, and innovative solutions such as its own AI Assistant Celia, Huawei AppStore and AppGallery, and other platforms and interfaces provides 360 degree solutions to consumers. These gigantic efforts, investments, and unflinching commitment to technology are what makes Huawei the world technology leader.

This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text.

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The Link Lonk

July 25, 2020 at 07:35PM

Huawei continues to maintain its leadership position globally - Livemint

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